A private plane traveled from Seattle to a rugged wilderness , at an average speed of 252 mph . on the return trip , the average speed was 180 mph . if the total time was 9 hours how far is Seattle from the wildness



set them equal, solve for time going, then solve for distance.

To find the distance between Seattle and the wilderness, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's break down the problem into two parts, the outbound and return trips.

Let's assume the distance between Seattle and the wilderness is D miles.

Outbound trip:
The average speed is given as 252 mph. Let's say it took t1 hours for the outbound trip.

So, we have the equation: D = 252 × t1

Return trip:
The average speed on the return trip is 180 mph. Since the total time is 9 hours and we know the outbound trip took t1 hours, the return trip took 9 - t1 hours.

So, we have the equation: D = 180 × (9 - t1)

Now we can equate the two equations to solve for D:
252 × t1 = 180 × (9 - t1)

Simplifying the equation:
252t1 = 1620 - 180t1
432t1 = 1620
t1 = 1620 / 432
t1 = 3.75 hours

Now, we can substitute this value back into any of the equations to find the distance. Let's use the first equation from the outbound trip:

D = 252 × t1
D = 252 × 3.75
D = 945 miles

So, Seattle is approximately 945 miles away from the wilderness.