What is the prepositional phrase?

1: Our soccer team
2:practices three times
3:a week
4:in the late afternoon

I choose 2 is this correct?

What is a participle phrase in the sentence?

Living in New York, he went to many fantastic Broadway plays.

1:Living in New York
2: he went to
3: many fantastic
4: Broadway plays

I think 1...is this correct?

1 us not 2.

Study this excellent site.


Do see now what the prepositional phrase is?

2 is 1, Correct.

#1 in the late afternoon

Yes. # 1 is right now.

Thank you so very much!!

*silently sings* All the other kids with the pumped up kicks...

you better run better run


too much?

@CC nope, that's perfect XDDD

Yes, you are correct!

For the first question, the prepositional phrase in the sentence is "in the late afternoon" (option 4). A prepositional phrase includes a preposition (in this case, "in") and any accompanying words (here, it would be "the late afternoon").

For the second question, the participle phrase in the sentence is "Living in New York" (option 1). A participle phrase includes a present participle ("-ing" form of a verb) or a past participle (usually ending in "-ed" or "-en") and any accompanying words. In this case, the participle phrase describes the subject "he" and provides additional information about his location.