16. Which of the following is used when a political activist reminds others of the trials and

tribulations facing the nation if change does not occur?
(1 point)

18. Identify the sentence that relies most strongly on emotional language. (1 point)
If this project isn't successful, you will receive a low grade.
If this project does not succeed, it will be on your head.
You will be held responsible if this project does not succeed.
Be prepared to take responsibility if this project isn't a success.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

16. B


16. B - yes

18. You may be right, but I favor B.

why would it be B for the first one? Its not emotional connection

I would say c, because it uses logic and persuasion

yeah it’s logos since it’s using LOGIC for political things, so not pathos

To answer question 16, we need to understand the terms ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is an appeal to ethics, which aims to persuade others based on the credibility or trustworthiness of the speaker. Pathos is an appeal to emotions, aiming to evoke feelings in order to persuade. Logos is an appeal to logic, relying on reason and evidence to make a persuasive argument.

In this case, when a political activist reminds others of the trials and tribulations facing the nation if change does not occur, they are aiming to evoke emotions and persuade through an appeal to the listeners' emotions. Therefore, the correct answer is pathos.

To answer question 18, we need to evaluate the language used in each sentence to identify emotional language. Emotional language often relies on vivid or strong words that elicit an emotional response.

Let's examine the sentences:

1. If this project isn't successful, you will receive a low grade.
2. If this project does not succeed, it will be on your head.
3. You will be held responsible if this project does not succeed.
4. Be prepared to take responsibility if this project isn't a success.

While all the sentences express a sense of accountability or responsibility, the sentence that relies most strongly on emotional language is sentence 4: "Be prepared to take responsibility if this project isn't a success." Here, the use of the word "prepared" and the emphasis on personal responsibility create an emotional tone, suggesting potential negative consequences if the project fails.