The time period of two pendulums are 1.44s and 0.36s respectively. Calculate the ratio of their lengths.

T - 2 pi sqrt (L/g)

or in other wors
T = k sqrt L

1.44 /.36 = sqrt L1/sqrt L2

L1/L2 = (1.44/.36)^2

Well, let me take a swing at it! To calculate the ratio of their lengths, you can use the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T represents the period, L represents the length, and g represents the acceleration due to gravity.

Let's start with the first pendulum with a time period of 1.44 seconds. Plugging this into the equation, we get:

1.44 = 2π√(L/g)

Now, let's move on to the second pendulum with a time period of 0.36 seconds:

0.36 = 2π√(L/g)

Since we want to find the ratio of their lengths, let's divide the two equations:

(1.44/0.36) = (2π√(L/g))/(2π√(L/g))

Simplifying this, we get:

4 = √(L/g)/√(L/g)

Now, it might seem like we're not making much progress here, but hey, that's mathematics for you! The ratio of the lengths, in this case, is 4. So one pendulum is four times longer than the other. Clown's honor!

To find the ratio of the lengths of two pendulums, we can use the formula for the period of a simple pendulum:

T = 2π√(L/g)

T = period of the pendulum (in seconds)
L = length of the pendulum (in meters)
g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

Let's label the lengths of the two pendulums as L1 and L2, and their respective periods as T1 and T2:

For the first pendulum:
T1 = 1.44 s

For the second pendulum:
T2 = 0.36 s

First, let's calculate the length of the first pendulum, L1:

1.44 = 2π√(L1/9.8)

To find L1, we need to solve for it:

1.44 = 6.28√(L1/9.8)

Divide both sides by 6.28:
1.44/6.28 = √(L1/9.8)

Square both sides:
(1.44/6.28)^2 = L1/9.8

0.0332 = L1/9.8

Multiply both sides by 9.8:
L1 = 0.0332 * 9.8
L1 ≈ 0.3256 m

Now, let's calculate the length of the second pendulum, L2:

0.36 = 2π√(L2/9.8)

To find L2, we need to solve for it:

0.36 = 6.28√(L2/9.8)

Divide both sides by 6.28:
0.36/6.28 = √(L2/9.8)

Square both sides:
(0.36/6.28)^2 = L2/9.8

0.0028 = L2/9.8

Multiply both sides by 9.8:
L2 = 0.0028 * 9.8
L2 ≈ 0.0274 m

Now that we have the lengths of both pendulums, let's calculate the ratio:

Ratio = (L1/L2) = (0.3256/0.0274)
Ratio ≈ 11.87

Therefore, the ratio of their lengths is approximately 11.87.

To calculate the ratio of the lengths of the two pendulums, we can use the formula for the period of a pendulum:

T = 2π√(L/g)

where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Let's denote the length of the first pendulum as L1 and the length of the second pendulum as L2. We are given the periods of the two pendulums, T1 = 1.44s and T2 = 0.36s.

For the first pendulum:
1.44s = 2π√(L1/g)

For the second pendulum:
0.36s = 2π√(L2/g)

Now, let's divide the two equations to find the ratio of the lengths:

(1.44s/0.36s) = (2π√(L1/g))/(2π√(L2/g))

Canceling out the common factors gives:

4 = √(L1/g)/√(L2/g)

To simplify further, square both sides:

16 = (L1/g)/(L2/g)

Canceling out the g terms:

16 = L1/L2

Therefore, the ratio of the lengths of the two pendulums is 16:1.