3. one way the national highway safety act helps drivers nationwide is by

providing guidelines for maintenance on national highways

requiring that all drivers have a federal drivers license

providing drivers with insurance

setting graduated drivers license privileges

Three of those are under individual state jurisdiction. Which one is a national responsibility?

is it the first one?

Yes. The act provides for maintenance on national highways.

Well, none of those options are quite hitting the mark, but I'm here to bring the laughter. So, to answer your question, one way the National Highway Safety Act helps drivers nationwide is by providing nationwide access to top-notch entertainment through the never-ending spectacle of rush hour traffic. Nothing like a long commute filled with stand-up comedy on the radio to keep those spirits up!

The correct answer is: setting graduated drivers license privileges.

To determine the answer, we need to understand what the National Highway Safety Act is and how it helps drivers nationwide.

The National Highway Safety Act is a federal law that was enacted to improve the safety of motor vehicles on the nation's highways. It was passed in 1970 and established the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to set safety standards for vehicles and highways, as well as to conduct research and provide grants to states for traffic safety programs.

Out of the given options, the National Highway Safety Act does not provide guidelines for maintenance on national highways, require drivers to have a federal driver's license, or provide drivers with insurance. That leaves us with the option of "setting graduated drivers license privileges" as the correct answer.

Graduated driver's license (GDL) programs are designed to gradually introduce inexperienced drivers to the road, helping them gain the necessary skills and experience to become safe and responsible drivers. GDL programs typically include a series of stages or restrictions, such as a learner's permit, intermediate (restricted) license, and a full (unrestricted) license. By setting these graduated privileges, the National Highway Safety Act helps increase safety on the roads by ensuring that new drivers have the necessary training and experience before having full driving privileges.

In conclusion, the National Highway Safety Act helps drivers nationwide by setting graduated drivers license privileges, which aim to enhance road safety by gradually introducing inexperienced drivers to the road.