Find the,<ABC if the line BD bisects <ABC and given m<ABD = 5x and m<DBC = 3x + 10.

sorry = my answer is 5

since BD bisects the angle, we must have]

5x = 3x+10
2x = 10
x = 5

So, you are correct, but that does not answer the question: What is <ABC?




50 bro

the answer is 50 not 5 i got it wrong

You don't have to trust me but I am right for this year is correct, the answer is 50



Your mom is still correct

To find the measure of angle <ABC, we need to use the concept of angle bisectors.

An angle bisector is a line that divides an angle into two equal angles.

Given that line BD bisects angle <ABC, we can set the measures of angle ABD and angle DBC to be equal since they are the angles formed by the bisector.

So we have:

m<ABD = m<DBC

Setting the given expressions equal to each other:

5x = 3x + 10

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x:

5x - 3x = 10

2x = 10

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 10/2

x = 5

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the expression for angle ABD to find its measure:

m<ABD = 5x

m<ABD = 5 * 5

m<ABD = 25

Since line BD bisects angle <ABC, angle <ABD and angle <DBC are equal. Therefore, the measure of angle <ABC is twice the measure of angle <ABD or angle <DBC:

m<ABC = 2 * m<ABD or m<ABC = 2 * m<DBC

m<ABC = 2 * 25

m<ABC = 50

Therefore, the measure of angle <ABC is 50 degrees.