Which statement best describes the significance of the number 10 in the metric system?

The system is used by 10 countries

There are 10 metric prefixes

There are 10 base units

The system is based on multiples of 10. * my answer

How many places would the decimal move in a conversion from kilograms to milligrams?

1,000 * my answer




I just want to make sure all of this is correct, thanks

Your first answer is right. Your second is wrong.

Which statement best describes the significance of the number 10 in the metric system?

That I am going with 1,000 I am in the 5 grade I hope I got it right

My first name is My Fornite user Dripped_OutJ

For the first question, the correct answer is "The system is based on multiples of 10." The metric system is a decimal-based system where units are related to each other by multiples of 10. This makes conversions between different units much simpler.

As for the second question, you correctly chose the answer "1,000." In the metric system, there is a hierarchical relationship between units. Moving from kilograms to milligrams requires multiplying by 1,000, as there are 1,000 milligrams in one kilogram.

Therefore, both of your answers are correct. Well done!