Whenever Deven and Laura owe each other money, they "pay" each other using stickers. They've agreed that a Harry Potter sticker is worth 49 dollars and a Twilight sticker is worth 35 dollars. They can even use stickers as "change" if one person overpays the other. For example, if Deven owes Laura 189 dollars, he can give her 6 Harry Potter stickers 6 * 49 = 294 dollars), and she can return 3 Twilight stickers (3 * 35 = 105 dollars). This trade is like a transfer of 294-105=189 dollars. What is the smallest positive debt, in dollars, that can be paid off using sticker trading?


7 is the correct answer

An old book listed that 72 turkeys were bought for $\$\square.\square\square$ each, at a total cost of $\$\square 67.9\square.$

What was the cost of each turkey, if each $\square$ stands for a digit that was unreadable in the old book?

Note: The $\square$ digits are not all the same.

To find the smallest positive debt that can be paid off using sticker trading, we need to consider the values of the stickers involved. In this case, we have a Harry Potter sticker worth $49 and a Twilight sticker worth $35.

To choose the smallest positive debt, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two sticker values, which represents the smallest possible value that can be obtained using a combination of stickers.

The LCM of 49 and 35 is 245. This means that any multiple of 245 can be obtained by trading an appropriate number of Harry Potter and Twilight stickers.

Therefore, the smallest positive debt that can be paid off using sticker trading is $245.