There are 28 in our class. One day there were 6 times as many present as there were absent.

How many were present?
How many were absent?

I think there are 24 present and 4 absent. This is a ratio type question where you have not 6 but 7 so 28/7 =4 4×6 then what you have left over is the absent group...

24 Present

4 Absent

Technically, the solution you have provided is not correct. You cannot have 7/3 as the number of students absent or present.

Let's break down the question as per your approach:

Let the number of absent students be x.

The number of present students = 6 times the number of absent students = 6x


The total number of students is 28.


x + 6x = 28

7x = 28

x = 4

The number of absent students is 4.

The number of present students = 6x = 6(4) = 24.

So the answer is:

Present: 24

Absent: 4

Therefore, there were 24 present and 4 absent on that day.

6 times more present so it’s obviously 4 absent cuz 6 x 4 = 24 and u add the absent 4 = 28

Yes 6 more present


People absent 6x

People present 6x
People present =6*7/3=14
People absent= 6*7/3=14

But in the question they are saying 6 times as many as there were absent.. then what we have to do?



number present: x

number absent : 28-x

x = 28-x + 6
2x = 34
x = 17

so present = 17, absent = 11

check: were there 6 more present than absent? YES