express the ratio of 4.50,3.60,1.80 init's simplest form

Are there any answer choices?

I assume you meant

4.5 : 3.6 : 1.8
times 10
= 45 : 36 : 18
divide by 9
= 5 : 4 : 2

What is the simplest form of 0.8

To express the ratio of 4.50, 3.60, and 1.80 in its simplest form, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the three numbers and divide each number by the GCD. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write the numbers in fraction form.
4.50 = 4.50/1
3.60 = 3.60/1
1.80 = 1.80/1

Step 2: Convert the decimal fractions to proper fractions.
4.50/1 = 450/100
3.60/1 = 360/100
1.80/1 = 180/100

Step 3: Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerators (450, 360, and 180).
The GCD of 450, 360, and 180 is 90.

Step 4: Divide each numerator by the GCD (90) and simplify the fractions.
450/90 = 5/1
360/90 = 4/1
180/90 = 2/1

Step 5: Write the simplified fractions as a ratio.
The simplified ratio is 5:4:2.

Therefore, the ratio of 4.50, 3.60, and 1.80 in its simplest form is 5:4:2.