Find the largest 3 digit number divisible by 16?

I started with 999 and found that 999/16 = 62.4375.

Soo -- try 62 * 16 = ?

That is a rally helpful sum because i was stuck on that type of maths!

Thank you so much!

You're welcome.

To find the largest 3-digit number divisible by 16, we can start by observing that the largest 3-digit number is 999.

To check if a number is divisible by 16, we need to see if it is evenly divisible by 16 without any remainder. To do this, we can divide the number by 16 and check if the remainder is 0.

So, let's start dividing 999 by 16:
999 รท 16 = 62 with a remainder of 7

Since the remainder is not 0, 999 is not divisible by 16.

To find the largest 3-digit number divisible by 16, we need to keep subtracting 16 from 999 until we find a number that is divisible by 16.

999 - 16 = 983 (not divisible by 16)
983 - 16 = 967 (not divisible by 16)
967 - 16 = 951 (not divisible by 16)
951 - 16 = 935 (not divisible by 16)
935 - 16 = 919 (not divisible by 16)
919 - 16 = 903 (divisible by 16)

So, the largest 3-digit number divisible by 16 is 903.