What are inner and outer character traits?

This site has a list of character traits.


Inner character traits are those that motivate a person. Outer character traits are behaviors that s/he shows others.


what is the differenss between inner and outer traits ?

Inner and outer character traits are qualities that describe a person's behavior, values, and personality.

Inner character traits refer to the qualities that define who a person is on the inside. These traits are often not immediately visible and are revealed through a person's thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Examples of inner character traits include honesty, empathy, integrity, and perseverance.

Outer character traits, on the other hand, are the qualities that are more easily observable by others. These traits are reflected in a person's actions, behaviors, and interactions with others. Examples of outer character traits include being friendly, outgoing, organized, punctual, and responsible.

To identify both inner and outer character traits, it is helpful to observe a person's behavior and interactions over a period of time. Pay attention to how they handle various situations, their patterns of behavior, and how they treat others. Additionally, you can also learn about a person's inner traits by having conversations with them to gain insight into their thoughts, values, and beliefs.

Understanding both inner and outer character traits can provide a deeper understanding of a person's character and help to make meaningful connections with others.