2.)Why does the author of "The Drummer Of Shiloh" say it is a "Solemn Night For a boy just turned fourteen"?

A.)The wind is full of whispers
B.)The Army is Camped near a church
C.)The boy will be his 1st battle soon
D.)The boy does not like sleeping in a field

A.)To show what the general does before a battle
B.)to describe how close together the 2 armies are camped
C.) To show how joby learns to overcomes his fear of the upcoming battle
D.)to describe the landscape before the battle damages it

I Lost the story to this assingment

You're in luck! :-)

The story is online.




This is the best I can do for you. The story is still under copyright, so not available on line. Don't lose your assigned reading materials!

Oh, ms. Sue found it! Great!

Hey Student i know that you are from connexus and um.. in connexus you can go back to the previous page and read the whole thing :)

2) c

3) c

To determine the correct answers to these questions, we can analyze the relevant information provided in the text "The Drummer of Shiloh" by Ray Bradbury.

2.) The author of "The Drummer of Shiloh" says it is a "Solemn Night For a boy just turned fourteen" due to the following reasons:

A.) The wind is full of whispers: This choice is not explicitly mentioned in the text as a reason for the solemn night, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B.) The Army is Camped near a church: This choice is mentioned in the text as a reason for the solemn night. The author describes how the army is camped near a white church, with the dark night surrounding them, contributing to the solemn atmosphere. Therefore, this is a possible correct answer.

C.) The boy will be his 1st battle soon: This choice is not explicitly mentioned in the text as a reason for the solemn night. While it is implied that the boy will be participating in his first battle soon, it does not directly relate to the solemnity of this night.

D.) The boy does not like sleeping in a field: This choice is not mentioned in the text as a reason for the solemn night. The boy's preference for not sleeping in a field does not necessarily contribute to the overall atmosphere of solemnity.

Based on the above analysis, option B, "The Army is Camped near a church," is a possible correct answer.

3.) The author sets the story before, instead of during, a battle to achieve the following:

A.) To show what the general does before a battle: The text does not specifically focus on the actions of the general before a battle. Instead, it mainly focuses on the perspective of the young drummer boy, Joby.

B.) To describe how close together the 2 armies are camped: While it is mentioned that the two armies are camping near each other, the main reason for setting the story before the battle is different.

C.) To show how Joby learns to overcome his fear of the upcoming battle: This choice aligns with the purpose of the story. By setting it before the battle, the author illustrates Joby's gradual growth and development as he prepares to face his fears and participate in his first battle. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

D.) To describe the landscape before the battle damages it: While it is mentioned that the landscape is described, the main reason for setting the story before the battle is to focus on Joby's character development and overcoming fear rather than solely on the description of the landscape.

Based on the above analysis, option C, "To show how Joby learns to overcome his fear of the upcoming battle," is the correct answer.