evaluate (-7)^2

A. -49
B. -14 ***
C. 14
D. 49

What is -7 * -7?


To evaluate (-7)^2, follow these steps:

1. Multiply -7 by itself: (-7) x (-7).
2. The product of -7 multiplied by -7 is 49.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 49.

To evaluate the expression (-7)^2, you need to raise -7 to the power of 2.

The formula for raising a number to a power is: base^exponent.

In this case, the base is -7, and the exponent is 2.

To calculate (-7)^2, you multiply -7 by itself.

(-7)^2 = -7 * -7 = 49

So, the correct answer is D. 49.