A.)Lowerded Tax
B.)Discouraged resettlement
C.)Prevented smuggling
D.)Taxed papers goods

I put D

I believe you're right.

Which Writs of Assistance?

A writ of assistance is a court order to instruct a government official to do his job. In this case, it was to instruct colonial officials to collect the tax that the colonists objected to. So D is the correct answer, but a bad answer. The writ did not impose the tax, but demanded that it be collected.

That is, assuming you mean a writ in connection with the Stamp Act of 1765.

The correct answer is C) Prevented smuggling.

Writs of Assistance were legal documents that were issued by British colonial officials in the American colonies during the 18th century. These writs granted British customs officers the authority to search any location, including private homes, in order to enforce trade regulations and prevent smuggling.

To find the correct answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and D, as they do not accurately describe the purpose of the writs of assistance. Option C, "Prevented smuggling," aligns with the historical understanding of the writs and their purpose.