Lindsay has 10 inches of ribbon. She buys another three lengths of ribbon, each 5 inches long. How much ribbon does she have now?

10 + (3 * 5) = ________ inches


25 inches of ribbon


Lindsay has 8 feet or ribbon she gives Angie 20 inches of ribbon does Lindsay have left


To find the total length of ribbon Lindsay has, we need to add the lengths of all the ribbons together.

Lindsay initially has 10 inches of ribbon. Then she buys three lengths of ribbon, each 5 inches long.

To find the total length of the three ribbons she bought, we need to multiply the length of one ribbon by the number of ribbons. In this case, Lindsay bought three ribbons, each 5 inches long.

So, the total length of the three ribbons she bought is 3 x 5 = 15 inches.

To find the total length of ribbon Lindsay has now, we add the initial length of 10 inches to the lengths of the three ribbons she bought.

10 inches + 15 inches = 25 inches.

Therefore, Lindsay has 25 inches of ribbon now.