1. In which sentence is the word blander used logically?

A. The cook added spices to make the food taste blander
B. If you do not like hot food, you should you blander dishes
C. In ordinary circumstances, hot sauce makes the food taste blander**
D. The blander dishes were marked with red flames on the menu


Have you ever been to a Thai restsurant? The red flame signs are NOT bland. Neither in Louisanna is Tabasco Saucs Bland. In general, adding spices makes bland food into interesting food with some taste... look how I make bland eggs interesting...http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/jamies-huevos-rancheros-recipe.html

If you don't get it, your answer is most definitely wrong.

Ok, now you have it. Yes on B. Yea for huevos Rancheros also

To determine which sentence uses the word "blander" logically, we need to understand the meaning of the word and then analyze each sentence.

"Blander" is an adjective that means having a mild or dull flavor, lacking in interest or excitement, or not stimulating or challenging.

Let's analyze each sentence:

A. The cook added spices to make the food taste blander.
In this sentence, the cook is intentionally adding spices to make the food less flavorful. This uses the word "blander" logically.

B. If you do not like hot food, you should you blander dishes.
In this sentence, the word "blander" is used as a noun, which is not grammatically correct. It should be "you should choose blander dishes." So this sentence does not use the word "blander" logically.

C. In ordinary circumstances, hot sauce makes the food taste blander.
In this sentence, the use of "blander" is incorrect because hot sauce generally adds spice and flavor to food, rather than making it less flavorful. So this sentence does not use the word "blander" logically.

D. The blander dishes were marked with red flames on the menu.
In this sentence, "blander" is used correctly to describe dishes that have a milder flavor. This sentence uses the word "blander" logically.

Therefore, the correct sentence in which the word "blander" is used logically is sentence A: "The cook added spices to make the food taste blander."