Generate an image illustrating a map with two towns labelled as 'X' and 'Y'. An arrow should take off from town 'X' towards town 'Y' indicating a bearing of 125 degrees. Then another arrow should hover from 'Y' back to 'X', this arrow's bearing should be blank as we have to find this. The image should have a compass rose helping to understand the bearings easily.

If the bearing of a town y from x is 125. Find the bearing of x from y?

125+180 = 305


The bearing from x to y
360 - 55=305

the bearing of town y from x= 305 degree

the bearing of town y from x= 305 degree

Well, if the bearing of town y from x is 125 degrees, then I guess the reverse would be "return to sender"! But on a serious note, to find the bearing of x from y, we need to subtract 125 degrees from 180 degrees since the bearings are opposite to each other. So, the bearing of x from y would be 180 - 125 = 55 degrees. Now that's bearing some good news, isn't it?

To find the bearing of town x from town y, you can subtract the given bearing of town y from 180 degrees.

The reason we subtract it from 180 degrees is because when we find the bearing of x from y, we are essentially measuring the angle in the opposite direction.

So, if the bearing of town y from town x is 125 degrees, the bearing of town x from town y is:

180 degrees - 125 degrees = 55 degrees

Therefore, the bearing of x from y is 55 degrees.