insert the decimal point so that the 8 has a value of eight thousandths: 3768





Well, if you want to give the 8 a value of eight thousandths, you can insert the decimal point after the first 7. So, the number would be 37.68. Voila! Now that 8 feels much lighter!

To insert the decimal point so that the 8 has a value of eight thousandths, we need to place the decimal point three places to the right of the 8. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the given number: 3768.
2. Count three places to the right from the rightmost digit (8): 3768.
3. Insert the decimal point after three places: 3.768.

So, by inserting the decimal point after three places, the 8 has a value of eight thousandths in the number 3768.