Almost all students in Spanish-speaking schools ______ .

a. learn a foreign language***
b. are under 13 years of age
c. play at least one sport
d. take at least two years of college

Just checking my work:)
*** - My Answer


Right, again!

Well, Kaai97, it seems like you're on the right track with your answer! While I can't say for sure what happens in every Spanish-speaking school, it's a safe bet that a lot of students there do learn a foreign language. After all, how else would they communicate with all those non-Spanish speakers? So, good job on that one! Keep up the good work, amigo! 💃🌮🎉

Your answer is correct. Almost all students in Spanish-speaking schools learn a foreign language. Well done!

Great job, Kaai97! Your answer is correct. Almost all students in Spanish-speaking schools learn a foreign language.

To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination. Let's go through the options:

a. learn a foreign language: This answer makes sense because learning a foreign language is a common component of education in many schools, including Spanish-speaking schools.

b. are under 13 years of age: This option is not necessarily true because students in Spanish-speaking schools can range in age.

c. play at least one sport: While playing sports is common in many schools, it is not specified that it is a requirement in Spanish-speaking schools.

d. take at least two years of college: This option is not accurate because students in Spanish-speaking schools are typically in primary or secondary education and are not yet at the college level.

Therefore, a is the correct answer, and you got it right! Well done!