Directions: Underline the verb in each sentence, then write past present or future.

1. We study English in Pete's class. -Underline study and this is present
2. English was not my first language.- I am confused on this sentence.
3. I will be a very good English speaker one day.-underline speaker and this is future
4. William helps Pete teach our class. -underline helps and this is present
5. The students will participate in all the class activities. -underline participate and this is future
6. At the Right to Read, Alma and Hilda completed the application form. -underline completed and this is past
7. Two new students will join our class tomorrow. -underline will join and this is future
8. Raul and Hal are the men in our class. - I am confused on this sentence
9. Maria and Eli lived in the United States for many years-underline lived and this is past
10. Noel's family in Cameroon misses her.-underline misses and this is present

Please double check the above and let me know if I am underlining the correct parts of each sentence

#1 - correct

#2 - "was" is what tense? The sentence could also be in the present tense and be accurate, but is stated in what tense?
#3 - wrong. "speaker" is a noun.
#4 - correct
#5 - Future tense, "participate" is not the whole verb in this sentence.
#6 - correct
#7 - correct
#8 - Hal is a man. Raul is a man. Raul and Hal are men. What is the verb?
#9 - correct
#10 - correct

My new answers are as follows:

2. English was not my first language.-underline was as the verb and this is past tense
3. I will be a very good English speaker one day.-underline will be as the verb and this is future tense
5. The students will participate in all the class activities. -underline will participate as the verb and this is future tense
8. Raul and Hal are the men in our class.-underline are and this is present tense

Please double check the above

Thank you

Now you're right! :) Good work.

Thank you very much for your assistance

You are very welcome, Patrick.

At Right to Read, Alma and Hilda completed the application form.__________

nice but cud be better

nice thanks

You have correctly identified the verbs in most of the sentences. However, there are a couple of sentences where you need to double-check:

2. "English was not my first language." - The verb in this sentence is "was." The word "was" is the past tense form of the verb "to be."

8. "Raul and Hal are the men in our class." - The verb in this sentence is "are." The word "are" is the present tense form of the verb "to be."

Other than those two sentences, you have correctly identified the verbs in each sentence and identified their tenses (present, past, or future). Well done!