which of the following is true of social classes?

people in most societies cannot improve their status
they are based mainly on age
people can improve their status by getting a good education
they are based mainly on gender
im not sure what to even guess please help me

These answers address two questions: the nature of social classes and class mobility.



These may help you. Reading your text materials is also an idea you might try.

can someone actually help me??? (mrs sue)

I don't like any of the answers. Social class is usually based upon family and money.

Check the links that Reed posted for you.

1. people in most societies cannot improve their status

2. they are based mainly on age
3. people can improve their status by getting a good education
4. they are based mainly on gender

Well, 2 and 4 are out because social classes include both genders and all ages.

1 is a possibility if you can define "most societies" -- which are those societies? Particular countries? Particular cultures? What?

3 is certainly true in the US, but is it true in ALL other countries/cultures?

It's a badly worded question with answer choices that are strange, too.

I agree with Ms. Sue and Writeacher. This is a confused and confusing question and the multiple choices are strange. 2 and 4 are out, as Writeacher points out. 1 and 3 are possible answers, but not good ones. What does your text say? Whatever it says is the "correct" answer, but not a good one.

It's is 3 I know it is.

Read your text book, if it's the same one its on the second page. 3 is the most possible answer... I'm not telling you completely. Read your studies.

I just took the quiz and got 100%

1) over 800
2) dominated by Roman Catholic
3) the family is most responsible
4) people can improve their status by getting a good education is true.

Its 3

no name is right!

no name is right

1 D 800
2 A roman catholic
3 A family
4 C people can improve by education
thx this is just in case ;)

would it be possible to get help on the quiz instead of quick check