1.)Which type of person is Merchant Lyte from Johnny Tremain

A kind and generous
B crass and sloppy
C devious and manipulative
D intelligent and hardworking


2.)Which lines from the novel best supports the answer to the previous question?
A.)"He's sly". When the merchants agreed not to import any english goods until the stamp act was repealed, he was one of the first to sing-then imported secretly. Sold through another name"
B.)"He says if Mrs. Lapham lets Cilla testify for you, he'll take a ship back to Baltimore. Says he's sensitive and a great artist and he can't be upset by thieves and brawlers"
C.)"My mother, sir." The boy's voice shook slightly. "She told me.... she always said... "I can go on from there, boy. Your mother on her deathbed told you you were related to the rich Boston merchant"?
D.)Mr. Lyte Was Talking informally as though he and Mr. Dana were alone together, sitting at a tavern, cracking walnuts, drinking Madeira

3.)3: Choose the meaning that best describes the word in caps.

The girl's NONCHALANCE was an act that did not fool her family and friends, who knew how much time she had spent training for the competition,

4: Read the following sentences from the novel. From which point of view are the sentences written?
"It was past dawn when he woke, his feeling of contentment still in him. He was no longer his own problem, but Merchant Lyte's. Tomorrow at this time what would he be calling him? 'Uncle Jonathan?' 'Cousin Lyte?' perhaps 'Grandpa,' and he laughed out loud."

A: first person-- Johnny's point of view
B: first person-- Merchant Lyte's point of view
C: third-person limited***
D: third-person omniscient

The answers are

Just took this test


im from connections academy i took this test i got the last question wrong and it told me the right one. :)

Anonymous is wrong YT.lulu is right

Yt.lulu issss right.. i got a 100% thx

yeah ytlulu its right thanks so much!!!!!!!!

Tt.lulu is correct for connexus I'm a past student there



thx Loli

yt lulu is right

1. C

2. A
3. D
4. C
Now lets get that Sprite Gamers!

You want a sprite cranberry ? Jk lol.

1) C
2) A
3) D
4) C

Yeetus the fetus is correctus

Snap: Jameciar05
Instagram: i.lish

Shut up libtard

1. c: devious and manipulative

2. a: “he’s sly. when the merchants agreed not to import...” lmao im not abt to type that all out
3. d: casualness
4: c: third person limited

thx yo homie you my new daddy