A container is one fifth full of water. if 40 liters of water is required to fill it up, what is the capacity of the container?

4/5 = 0.8

0.8x = 40

x = 40 / 0.8

x = ________ liters

50 litres


Fraction equal to 40litres =5/5-1/5. So 4/5 =40 litres ,what about 5/5? So its 5/5*5/4*40 litres. So the answer is 50 litres

To find the capacity of the container, we need to determine how much water is already in the container and then add the amount of water needed to fill it up.

Given that the container is one-fifth full of water, this implies that it contains one-fifth (1/5) of its total capacity. Let's denote the total capacity as "C".

So, if one-fifth of the capacity is already in the container, it means that there are (1/5) * C liters of water in the container.

We also know that 40 liters of water is required to fill up the container completely. Hence, the amount of water needed to fill the container is 40 liters.

To determine the capacity of the container (C), we can set up the equation:

(1/5) * C + 40 = C

Now, we can solve for C:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5:
5 * (1/5) * C + 5 * 40 = 5 * C
C + 200 = 5C

Subtract C from both sides:
200 = 5C - C
200 = 4C

Divide both sides by 4:
C = 200/4
C = 50

So, the capacity of the container is 50 liters.