gillian earns 7.50 an hour babysitting on the weekends .last week she babysat for 2.2 hours on statuday and 3.5 on much did she earn

(2.2 * 7.5) + (3.5 * 7.5) = $_______



its 42.75


To calculate how much Gillian earned, we need to multiply the number of hours she babysat by her hourly rate.

Gillian babysat for a total of 2.2 hours on Saturday and 3.5 hours on Sunday.

For Saturday:
Earnings on Saturday = Number of hours babysat × Hourly rate = 2.2 hours × $7.50/hour

For Sunday:
Earnings on Sunday = Number of hours babysat × Hourly rate = 3.5 hours × $7.50/hour

To find the total earnings, add the earnings from Saturday and Sunday together.
Total earnings = Earnings on Saturday + Earnings on Sunday

Now, let's calculate the amount earned on each day:
Earnings on Saturday = 2.2 hours × $7.50/hour = $<<2.2*7.5=16.5>>16.50
Earnings on Sunday = 3.5 hours × $7.50/hour = $<<3.5*7.5=26.25>>26.25

Finally, we can find the total earnings for the weekend by adding the earnings from both days:
Total earnings = $16.50 + $26.25 = $<<16.5+26.25=42.75>>42.75

Therefore, Gillian earned $42.75 for babysitting on the weekend.