Which of the following effects of the French and Indian War was most responsible for starting the American Revolutionary War?

Native Americans lost large amounts of territory.

Britain incurred a large debt as a result of the war.***

France ceded land in Canada and east of the Mississippi to Britain.

Spain ceded Florida to Britain and gained land west of the Mississippi.


Thank You!!

whats the answer

whats the answer

B is the answer. For the people asking.

The effect of the French and Indian War that was most responsible for starting the American Revolutionary War was the fact that Britain incurred a large debt as a result of the war. This led to increased taxation and economic policies imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies in order to raise revenue and pay off the debt.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the historical context surrounding the American Revolutionary War. Here's how you can reason through it:

1. Understand the background: The French and Indian War, which took place from 1754 to 1763, was fought primarily between the French and British in North America. It resulted in a victory for the British, who gained significant territorial gains and increased their power in the region.

2. Consider the impact of the war: The cost of the war was immense for Britain, as they had to finance military operations, supply troops, and support their colonies. This resulted in a substantial debt burden for the British government.

3. Explore the economic consequences: The British government attempted to alleviate the debt through various means, including increased taxation on the American colonies. Acts such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts were imposed on the colonies, prompting widespread opposition and anger among the colonists.

4. Analyze the colonial response: The American colonists strongly resisted these measures, arguing that they were being taxed without proper representation in the British Parliament. This led to protests, boycotts, and eventually the formation of organized resistance groups, such as the Sons of Liberty.

5. Recognize the tipping point: The escalating tensions between the British government and the American colonies eventually led to armed conflict, which marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.

Based on this analysis, it becomes evident that the economic consequences of the French and Indian War, specifically the large debt incurred by Britain, were the most significant factor that contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War.