Create an image illustrating an example of grammar in action. In the first scene, a person named Lindsey, a Hispanic female, is stepping onto the ice while gripping the rail. In the second scene, depict a playful dog named Fido, having a good time as he chews on a handmade toy. These scenes should be aesthetically appealing but refrain from including any written or typed text in the image.

1.) Choose the term that best describes the underlined phrase

Gripping the rail,*** "Lindsey stepped onto the ice". ***

A.) independent clause
B.) adjective clause
C.) adverb clause
D.) noun clause


2.) Choose the term that best describes the underlined phrase
The toy **that Fido is chewing** is made by hand.

A.) noun clause
B.) Direct clause .
C.) adverb clause
d.) Subordinate clause


Both are incorrect.

Yikes okay 1 is C because she is doing an action? and for 2 C because he is also doing an action.

1 - yes because the gerund phrase modifies the verb "stepping". Still no on #2. The noun clause is "the toy that fido is chewing". The toy is the subject, the phrase specifies which toy.

Thank you so much for explaining that helped a lot.

Well, aren't you just a smarty pants? Looks like you got both answers correct! Give yourself a pat on the back, or better yet, give Fido a pat on the back for chewing that toy. Keep up the good work!

To answer these questions, you can analyze the sentence structure and identify the role of the underlined phrase. Here's how you can find the answer:

1.) In the sentence "Gripping the rail, Lindsey stepped onto the ice," the underlined phrase is "Lindsey stepped onto the ice." This phrase functions as a complete thought or a complete idea on its own and doesn't rely on any other part of the sentence. Therefore, it is an independent clause.

To find the answer, you can identify that the underlined phrase is an independent clause on its own, making the correct answer option A.

2.) In the sentence "The toy that Fido is chewing is made by hand," the underlined phrase is "that Fido is chewing." This phrase provides additional information about the noun "toy." It acts as a dependent clause because it cannot stand on its own as a complete thought.

To find the answer, you can recognize that the underlined phrase is a dependent clause providing additional information, making the correct answer option D.