5. Using _______ helps some smokers quit by gradually decreasing their dependence on nicotine.

A. Stimulants
B. Nicotine Substitutes
C. Inhalers
D. Nicotine Inhibitors

My answer:

C- Inhalers


@Suzy--Su-Ji Hey can you correct me with this questions??

h of the following passages from the novel best describes the setting?

A. It was one of those super duper cold Saturday.

B. One of those days that when you breathed kind of hung frozen in the air like a hunk of smoke and you could walk along and look exactly like a train blowing out big, fat, white puffs of smoke.••

C. We put sweaters and hats and scarves and three pairs of socks on and still were cold.

D. The thermostat was turned all the way up and the furnace was banging and sounding like it was blow up but it still felt like Jack Frost had moved in with us.

2. Which of the following incidents involving Byron appears to be most out of character for him?

A. Byron gets his lips stuck to the Car mirror.

B. Byron decides to skip school with Buphead.

C. Byron defends Kenny after he read to the class.

D. Byron and Buphead teach Kenny how to survive in a blizzard.••

3. which of the following incidents involving Byron is intended to have the most humorous effect on the reader?

A. Byron gets his lips stuck to the car mirror.

B. Byron tucks his blanket into the couch cushion so he will not to be touched by dad.

C. Byron and Buphead play roughly with Kenny.••

D. Byron glares at Kenny before he read to the class.

Number 1 is correct. Number 2 would be C. And number 3 would be A.


@My Butt(stupid name) how about instead of getting mad at people for a non-helpful answer, you study and ask for help from your parents or teacher, instead of being a rude child who can't keep their mouth shut.

So what's the answer

@h0w bout not cheat and study in class; this website is for students to share their answers and help eachother. If your name is gonna say "no cheating,"

go to another website bud. Either that or take this website in and deal with it, or stay off this website from now on.

bruh, imagine ms. sue giving u answers... that would be a miracle.

s e ><

im out

I believe it's stimulants, that's what makes the most sense to me at least.

No, the correct answer is B. Nicotine Substitutes.