What is 17% of 200?

.17 x 200 = 34

What is the number 200 increased by 17%?

200 x 1.17 = 234

What is the number 200 decreased by 17%?

The only way I knew to do this is based on the first question - since that answer was 34, I subtracted 34 from 200 and the answer was 166.

Is there an easier way?

If it is decreased by 17% then you will have 83% of the 200 which equals 166.

This is similar to going into a store where there is a 20% off sale. You pay 80% of the original price.

Thank you, John, that makes perfect sense.

the answer to the question is 150.

Yes, there is an easier way to calculate the number that is decreased by a certain percentage. To find the number that is decreased by a certain percentage, you can use the following formula:

Number - (Percentage/100) x Number

In this case, you can calculate 200 decreased by 17% as:

200 - (17/100) x 200

Simplifying the equation:

200 - (0.17) x 200

200 - 34


Therefore, the number 200 decreased by 17% is 166.