Illustrate a quiet, deserted city street at twilight, with the glow of setting sun casting long shadows. The street is empty with no signs of people. Nearby, a saddened elderly woman looks around for help. Switch the scene to a group of diverse people standing together in unity, demonstrating their good relationship. They are different in their ethnicities and genders, reflecting a sense of unity in diversity. Finally, contrast this with an empty decorated banquet hall, set for a family function but hauntingly empty.

Change to Affirmative

1.No man in the street came forward to help her.
2.None of them were bad.
3.Nobody was present in the family function.

Are you clear on what "affirmative" means? You are to change the sentences from negatives to positives. I'll do the first one, and then you do the others.

1. Everyone in the street came forward to help her.

@writeacher.... i think ur not correct... u have to change it to positive without changing the meaning. Should it be "Every man in the street stood where they were."

The directions are not clear. If you believe the directions are what you stated, why didn't you include all that in the first post?

@writeacher... well srry fr nt mentioning it in the first place ... But yes , its changing to positive without changing the meaning.. so is my answer correct ?

Is what answer correct? I don't see your corrections of the others here. I see only the one I wrote.

@writeacher... 1.No man in the street came forward to help her.

-Every man in the street stood where they were.

Every man in street failed to come forward to help her.

Every man in the street failed to come forward to help her.

Every man in the street refused to help her.

Who came forward to help brahma?

every man in the street stood still to help her

every man in the street refused to come forward to help her
vote please

I apologize for the confusion earlier. Here are the revised affirmative versions of the given sentences:

1. Every man in the street came forward to help her.
2. All of them were good.
3. Somebody was present in the family function.

Regarding the question "Who came forward to help Brahma?" it is unclear what or who Brahma is. Could you please provide more context or clarify the question?