why did miss muffet need a road map

You don't need a map to swat a spider.

why did miss muffet need a road map


She lost her whey

She lost her whey!!!

She lost her way

Miss Muffet did not actually need a road map in the traditional sense. The line you are referring to is from the nursery rhyme "Little Miss Muffet." In the original rhyme, the line states, "Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away."

There is no mention of Miss Muffet needing a road map in the rhyme. It is possible that you may be referencing a different adaptation or variation of the rhyme that includes a road map, but that would be a deviation from the original version.

If you are looking for variations or adaptations of nursery rhymes, I would suggest exploring different versions of the rhyme or checking different sources for variations. Online search engines or children's literature collections may provide you with different versions or adaptations of "Little Miss Muffet."