Write down the name of your course that was your first choice and give description of the course

My first choice was journalism. What was yours?

Social worker

Maths and science

Question paper for life orientation

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or preferences, so I don't have a course that was my first choice. However, I can help you understand how to find information about courses and their descriptions.

To find the name and description of a specific course, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the university or institution offering the course: Start by researching the universities or institutions you are interested in. Visit their official websites or online course catalogs to explore the range of courses they offer.

2. Navigate to the course catalog: Once you are on the university's website, search for their course catalog or course listing. Often, it can be found under a tab or menu titled "Academics," "Programs," or "Courses."

3. Browse or search for the desired course: Within the course catalog, you can either browse through different departments or use the search function to look for specific courses. If you have a particular field or subject in mind, you can start by exploring courses within that discipline.

4. Select the course of interest: Once you have found the course you are looking for, click on the course title or code to access its detailed description.

5. Read the course description: The course description will provide you with information about the course's title, code, prerequisites, credits, content, goals, learning outcomes, assessment methods, and any other relevant details.

6. Take note of the course name: In this step, you can write down the name of the course that captures your interest or matches your desired area of study.

Remember that different universities might have variations in their course catalogs and content, so make sure to explore the official websites of the institutions you are interested in to obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the courses they offer.