Lisa's dog has 4 squeaky toys.Two thirds of the dog's toys are squeaky toys.How many dog toys does Lisa's dog have in all?

(2/3)x = 4

whats the answar

To find out how many dog toys Lisa's dog has in total, we need to calculate the total number of toys based on the information given.

We are told that two-thirds of the dog's toys are squeaky toys. Since we know that Lisa's dog has 4 squeaky toys, we can represent this as a fraction: 4/2.

To calculate the total number of toys, we can set up a proportion:
4/2 = x/3

Cross-multiplying, we get:
4 * 3 = 2 * x
12 = 2x

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:
12/2 = 2x/2
6 = x

Therefore, Lisa's dog has a total of 6 toys in total.