How did this group, made up mainly of Roman patricians, contribute to democracy?

A. Patricians formed assemblies to write and enforce the laws.

B. Patricians elected Consuls, who remained in power for life.

C.Patricians formed the Senate, who advised the Consuls.

D. Patricians formed juries in civil courts. my answer

What group? When?

this is very hard

If I were you, dasha, I'd read the text materials you were provided. We can't help you very much since no one seems to know what group you're being asked about.

What you mean by group @reed

"How did this group..." What group?

Maybe this will help. I think it answers your question:

Reed is correct. The "group" makes a difference. There were several "groups" during early Roman history, and not all were identical, for sure. I think of them as the Before, During, and After Caesar "groups"!

dasha, you cannot answer this question unless you read your text materials and/or the link I posted for you.

i think i know the answer

Fall guys

ive been looking for this answer you see, this question comes with a picture, so thats the "group" he/she was talking about

its a or d probally a

I know the answer


thanks? ....

Which group then?
