1.)Which is the best paraphrase of the second stanza?

A.)It will make mountains & valleys bright. The hills will have light shining over their tops.***

B.)The mountain ranges will have water flushed down them. The water will bathe the hills

C.)The mountain ranges & valleys will grow through time.

D.)The mountains, valley, & hills are beautiful. They all look lovely in the morning.


See your post above.

And, as you can see, this post does not indicate what poem you are reading, so no one could answer this post's question. You did it right in the second post above. ) At least, always give us the name of the work AND the author so we know what you're talking about.

thank & will do

You're most welcome. You seem to be doing good work. Keep it up. :)

hey Reed your are the most smartest person ever. Thanks to you I'm a new person.


To determine the best paraphrase of the second stanza, we need to analyze the original stanza and compare it to the options given.

The second stanza talks about the impact of the rising sun on the landscape. It describes how the mountains and valleys will become bright, and the hills will have light shining over their tops.

Now, let's examine the options:

A.) It will make mountains & valleys bright. The hills will have light shining over their tops.

This option accurately captures the meaning of the original stanza. It conveys that the rising sun will make the mountains and valleys bright, with light shining over the tops of the hills. Therefore, option A is the best paraphrase of the second stanza.

B.) The mountain ranges will have water flushed down them. The water will bathe the hills.

This option introduces a different concept of water being flushed down the mountain ranges and bathing the hills. It does not align with the original stanza's imagery of sunlight brightening the landscape, so it is not a suitable paraphrase.

C.) The mountain ranges & valleys will grow through time.

This option introduces the idea of growth, which is not mentioned in the original stanza. It does not accurately paraphrase the original stanza's depiction of the landscape being brightened by the rising sun.

D.) The mountains, valley, & hills are beautiful. They all look lovely in the morning.

This option generalizes the statement to imply that the mountains, valleys, and hills are beautiful in the morning. While it captures a general sentiment, it does not mirror the specific imagery conveyed in the original stanza.

In conclusion, option A, "It will make mountains & valleys bright. The hills will have light shining over their tops," is the best paraphrase of the second stanza as it accurately captures the original stanza's depiction of the sunlight brightening the landscape.