A golden pendant from an ancient world was once used to drive away evil sprits. This pendant is found by treasure hunter thousands of years later, who sells the object to the highest bidder. This chain of events is an example of?

How the value of an artwork can change over time or in a different culture.

How much money ancient artifacts are worth.(MY ANSWER)

How lucky the treasure hunter was to find this piece of history.

The unpredictable nature of history.


How much was that pendant worth to its original owner if it kept away the evil spirits? Priceless? I agree with the student's choice.

Do not mix your beliefs with the lesson content, and what you agree with. The answer is not B. It is A. So both of you are super wrong.

I think it is either B or A. I can't tell

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

The chain of events described in the question can be seen as an example of how the value of an artwork can change over time or in a different culture. Let me explain how this is the case.

When the golden pendant was originally used in the ancient world, it held significance as a tool to drive away evil spirits. However, as time passed and societies evolved, beliefs and cultural values changed. This pendant lost its original purpose and became an artifact of the ancient world.

When the treasure hunter found the pendant thousands of years later, they recognized it as a valuable object due to its historical and cultural significance. This recognition of value comes from the understanding that there are collectors, museums, and individuals who have a deep interest in ancient artifacts. These individuals are willing to pay a significant amount of money to acquire such items for various reasons, such as personal appreciation, preservation, or academic research.

Therefore, the treasure hunter sells the golden pendant to the highest bidder, which signifies the change in value over time and in a different culture. The high value placed on the pendant reflects the understanding and appreciation of its historical and cultural significance by the bidder.

In this example, the chain of events does not directly pertain to the exact monetary worth of ancient artifacts as a whole, but rather illustrates how the value can change over time and in different cultural contexts. Ancient artifacts, depending on their historical importance, rarity, condition, and demand in the market, can vary greatly in their monetary worth.