30 greater than or equal to -30-6x

Solve each inequality .

30>= -30-6x

add 6x to each side
subtract 30 from each side
divide by 6

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable, which is "x" in this case.

30 ≥ -30 - 6x

First, let's simplify the right side of the inequality:

30 ≥ -30 - 6x
30 ≥ -30 - 6x

Next, let's combine like terms:

30 ≥ -30 - 6x
60 ≥ -6x

Now, to isolate "x", we need to divide both sides of the inequality by -6. Remember, when dividing or multiplying an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality sign:

60/(-6) ≤ -6x/(-6)
-10 ≤ x

Therefore, the solution to the inequality 30 ≥ -30 - 6x is x ≥ -10.

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable, x. Let's start solving it step by step.

First, let's simplify the expression on the right side of the inequality:

-30 - 6x

Next, we combine like terms:

-6x - 30

The inequality becomes:

30 ≥ -6x - 30

To isolate the variable, we need to get rid of the constant term (-30) on the right side of the inequality. We can do this by adding 30 to both sides:

30 + 30 ≥ -6x

60 ≥ -6x

Now, we have -6x on the right side of the inequality. To solve for x, divide both sides of the inequality by -6. Remember, when we divide or multiply an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality sign:

(60/(-6)) ≤ (-6x)/(-6)

-10 ≤ x

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≥ -10.