Wendy noticed that out of 345 cars that passed her house, 56 were SUVs. About how many SUVs could she expect to pass by if 2,100 cars were to pass by her house?

56/345 = x/2100

Cross multiply and solve for x.


Can u help me I don't get it

I need help

yur mum



thx fo tha answer

To find out how many SUVs Wendy can expect if 2,100 cars pass by her house, we can set up a proportion using the information given in the question.

We know that out of 345 cars, 56 were SUVs. So we can set up the ratio:

56 SUVs / 345 cars = x SUVs / 2,100 cars

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

56 * 2,100 = 345 * x

117,600 = 345x

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 345:

117,600 / 345 = x

Approximately, x = 340.87

Therefore, Wendy can expect around 341 SUVs to pass by if 2,100 cars were to pass by her house.