8.)In which sentence about The Diary of Anne Frank is the word bewildered used correctly?

A.)Mr. Van Daan was bewildered as he took the food from storage.

B.)Bewildered to cats, Mr.Dussel hopes Peters cat will stay away from him.

C.)Mrs. Frank was bewildered by Anne's negative attitude toward her.

D.)Everyone was bewildered by the thoughtful presents Anne gave during Hanukkah.

What does the word "bewildered" mean? Look it up.

Yes, C.

The aanswers are

1 A and C
2 She is rude on the outside but nice on the inside and regrets what she does, but fears being made fun of if she's serious (Put it in your own words, don't copy me)
3 D
4 A
5 B
6 A
7 D
8 C
9 Cant help you on this one

Your welcome in advance. I got 100%

Just took the test the person was right

Julia and YOUR WELCOME IN ADVANCE = Same person


To determine which sentence uses the word "bewildered" correctly in the context of The Diary of Anne Frank, we need to understand the meaning of the word and analyze the sentence options.

The word "bewildered" means to feel confused, perplexed, or disoriented. It implies a state of being lost or uncertain.

Let's examine each sentence option:

A) "Mr. Van Daan was bewildered as he took the food from storage."
This sentence implies that Mr. Van Daan is confused or perplexed about taking food from storage. Since the context of the diary suggests that the characters in hiding were careful and strategic about rationing food, it is possible for Mr. Van Daan to feel bewildered in this situation. Therefore, this sentence seems to use the word correctly in the given context.

B) "Bewildered to cats, Mr. Dussel hopes Peter's cat will stay away from him."
This sentence seems to use the word "bewildered" in a context unrelated to the characters' emotions or state of mind. It mentions cats and Mr. Dussel, but it does not specify that Mr. Dussel himself is confused or perplexed. Therefore, this sentence does not use the word correctly in the given context.

C) "Mrs. Frank was bewildered by Anne's negative attitude toward her."
This sentence suggests that Mrs. Frank is confused or perplexed by Anne's negative attitude towards her. Within the context of the diary, it is plausible for Mrs. Frank to feel bewildered in such a situation. Therefore, this sentence seems to use the word correctly in the given context.

D) "Everyone was bewildered by the thoughtful presents Anne gave during Hanukkah."
This sentence states that everyone, including Anne, feels confused or perplexed by the thoughtful presents she gave during Hanukkah. However, the word "bewildered" does not accurately reflect the likely emotions of the characters in response to thoughtful presents. They may be surprised, touched, grateful, or impressed, but not necessarily bewildered. Therefore, this sentence does not use the word correctly in the given context.

Based on the analysis, the sentence in which the word "bewildered" is used correctly in the context of The Diary of Anne Frank is:

A) "Mr. Van Daan was bewildered as he took the food from storage."