Which of the following functions has a rate of change that stays the same?

A)y = x2 – 5x –14
B)y = 19x – 10
C)y = 5x
D)y = 0.03x2 + 11x + 1

This is my question @Reed

B and C

19 and 5

But, which one exactly @damon

There are two with constant slopes. B and C

If you think there is only one answer, you have a typo.

B)y = 19x – 10

C)y = 5^x NOT THIS. This is NOT 5 x as you wrote later.

So the answer is C not B right??

I don't think I typed it wrong but, if I did then I am sorry.

Which of the following functions has a rate of change that stays the same?

A)y = x^2 – 5x –14
B)y = 19x – 10
C)y = 5^x
D)y = 0.03x^2 + 11x + 1

Look, they are asking you which of these is a straight line with constant slope.

In other words which looks like

Y = m X + b

That is B
y = 19 x - 10

A, x^2 - 5 x - 14 is a QUADRATIC, parabola

C, y = 5^x
(NOT y = 5 x )
is exponential

D, y = .03 x^2 etc
is QUADRQATIC, parabola

You typed y = 5x, look up above.

I found it correct in one of your earlier postings.

Ok so I know that the answer is B, thanks for answering

You are welcome, but more importantly do you know how to tell a straight line from a parabola or an exponential now?

Oh ok then. I was trying to repost it but, I think I put the question incorrectly

Yeah now I do thanks to you.

Good :)

Ok bye for now damon

I got 100% on all my questions!! Yayy!!

Well done :)

Thanks bye bye

1. B

2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B

thank you SOOO much Rose!! have a great day wherever you are :D

I don't get it. can you just tell us the answer all the way to 21?

'Hello', this isn't a test question. If you're looking for question 4's answer, you won't find it here - Try and use what the answers to this question says to determine your answer for number 4 !! :D