Carl is asked to draw a triangle with the following specifications:

-all sides have whole number lengths in centimeters
-the sum of the lengths of the two shortest sides equals 9 centimeters
-when the side lengths are placed in order from least to greatest, the difference in measures are equal

Don't you know the name of this school subject?

What is your question?

Exactly one triangle exists with the given conditions, and it must be a scalene triangle.

Exactly one triangle exists with the given conditions, and it must be a scalene triangle.

I nut to that

you all suck

Super class

What the"F"


if you are going to respond be respectful

To help Carl draw the triangle, we need to find out the possible lengths of its sides based on the given specifications.

Let's break down the information step by step:

1. All sides have whole number lengths in centimeters.
This means all three sides of the triangle must have whole number lengths. Whole numbers are integers that are not fractions or decimals.

2. The sum of the lengths of the two shortest sides of the triangle equals 9 centimeters.
Let's assume the lengths of the two shortest sides are "x" and "y" centimeters. According to the given information, x + y = 9. We need to find integer values for x and y that satisfy this equation.

3. When the side lengths are placed in order from least to greatest, the difference in measures is equal.
This implies that the difference between the lengths of the shortest side and the medium-length side is the same as the difference between the lengths of the medium-length side and the longest side.
So, if "x" is the shortest side length, "y" is the medium-length side length, and "z" is the longest side length, we have two equations:
y - x = z - y
2y - x = z

Now, let's solve these equations to find possible values for x, y, and z:

First, let's rearrange equation (2) to express "x" in terms of "y":
x = 2y - z

Substitute this expression for "x" in equation (1):
2y - z + y = 9
3y - z = 9

Now, we can assign values to y and z to satisfy the equations and find possible lengths for the sides of the triangle.

Let's start with assuming values for y and z:

- Let's set y = 2, which gives us:
3(2) - z = 9
6 - z = 9
z = 6 - 9
z = -3 (not a whole number)

- Now, assume y = 3, which gives us:
3(3) - z = 9
9 - z = 9
z = 9 - 9
z = 0

Since z = 0, this means the longest side of the triangle has a length of 0. However, this is not a valid length for a triangle as all sides must have a positive length.

Therefore, there are no whole number lengths that satisfy all the given specifications. Carl won't be able to draw such a triangle.