Speech about english is the language of opportunity,why bother to teach indegenous language

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English is the language of opportunity why bothers to teach indigenouse language

Title: Embracing Cultural Diversity: The Importance of Teaching Indigenous Languages alongside English

Good morning/afternoon everyone. Today, I would like to shed light on the topic of English as the language of opportunity, while also emphasizing the significance of preserving and teaching indigenous languages. While English undoubtedly plays a crucial role in global communication, it is equally important to recognize and honor the rich cultural heritage embedded within indigenous languages. By actively teaching indigenous languages, we can promote cultural diversity, enhance identity, and foster inclusivity within our society.


1. Cultural Preservation:
Indigenous languages are the pillars that uphold unique cultural traditions, history, and values. Preserving these languages helps maintain our cultural diversity, ensuring that future generations can connect with their ancestral roots. By teaching indigenous languages, we can keep traditions alive and provide opportunities for indigenous communities to pass down their rich heritage from one generation to another.

2. Empowering Indigenous Communities:
Language is directly linked to identity and self-esteem. For indigenous communities, reclaiming and reviving their own languages is an integral part of self-empowerment. Consequently, it helps create a sense of pride, dignity, and belonging. When we encourage the teaching of indigenous languages, we effectively build stronger relationships with these communities and empower them to develop a positive self-image.

3. Enhancing Communication:
While English is a widely spoken global language, it should not diminish the importance of multilingualism and multiculturalism. By promoting indigenous languages alongside English, we foster more inclusive communication and dialogue among individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. It is a powerful tool for breaking down barriers, promoting understanding, and building stronger connections between different cultures.

4. Educational Advantages:
Studies have shown that bilingualism or multilingualism provides cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, problem-solving skills, and enhanced creativity. By teaching indigenous languages, we offer students the opportunity to develop a broader range of linguistic skills, enabling them to bridge the gap between cultures and creating competitive advantages in the job market.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that English provides access to global opportunities, but the teaching of indigenous languages goes beyond practicality. It's about acknowledging the importance of cultural diversity, empowering indigenous communities, promoting inclusive communication, and providing educational advantages to learners. By embracing both English and indigenous languages, we can foster a society that celebrates its diversity and appreciates its roots. So, let us continue to teach indigenous languages alongside English, ensuring that language itself becomes a gateway to cultural wealth and understanding. Thank you.