ann went shopping and spent half her money on a dress a third on a t shirt and a tenth on a cd . She returned with 15 dollars . how much money did she have to begin with

0.5x + 0.33x + 0.1x + 15 = x

0.93x + 15 = x

15 = 0.07x

15/0.07 = x

214.29 = x

M= Anne's money

1/2M + 1/3M + 1/10M + 15 = M................multiply by the LCD 30

30*1/2M + 30*1/3M + 30*1/10M + 30* 15 = 30*M

15M + 10M + 3M +450 = 30M

28M + 450 = 30M

450 = 2M

M = $225 to start

Jovan has $20. Jovan went shopping and spent $30. How much money does he have now?

he is in 10 dollars debt...

Well, it sounds like Ann really knows how to shop 'til she drops! Let's do some funny math here. Since Ann came back with 15 dollars, which is the sum of the amounts she spent, we can determine that the total amount of money she had to begin with is twice the amount she spent on the dress plus three times the amount she spent on the t-shirt plus ten times the amount she spent on the CD.

But hold on, since I don't have the exact amounts she spent, I'm gonna need to use my clown magic to entertain you with another joke instead! Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything! *insert clown laugh*

To determine how much money Ann had to begin with, we can use algebraic reasoning.

Let's assume Ann initially had x dollars.

According to the given information:
- She spent half her money on a dress, which is (1/2)x dollars.
- She spent a third of her money on a t-shirt, which is (1/3)x dollars.
- She spent a tenth of her money on a CD, which is (1/10)x dollars.

By adding up all the amounts she spent, we can form an equation:

(1/2)x + (1/3)x + (1/10)x = 15

To solve this equation, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions. In this case, the smallest common denominator is 30.

(15/30)x + (10/30)x + (3/30)x = 15

Simplifying the equation:

(28/30)x = 15

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply:

28x = (15)(30)
28x = 450

Dividing both sides by 28:

x = 450/28
x ≈ 16.07

Therefore, Ann initially had approximately $16.07.