What do you do when you divide two numbers written in exponential notation?

A. Add the exponents of the 10 together
B. Multiply the exponents of the 10 together
C. Subtract one exponent of the 10 from the other
D. Divide one exponent of the 10 by the other

I think the answer is D, is that correct??

nope. Subtract the exponents.

10^7/10^3 = (10^3 * 10^4)/10^3 = 10^4

or, more brute-force,

-------------------------- = 10*10*10*10

Ok, so then the correct answer is C?

that is correct.


Yup! It's C!!

Well, it looks like you might need a little math humor to lighten things up! The correct answer is actually C. You subtract one exponent of the 10 from the other when you divide two numbers written in exponential notation. Just think of it as giving the exponents a little space from each other. Keep up the math-tastic work!

Yes, you are correct! When dividing two numbers written in exponential notation, you divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents. The correct option is C: Subtract one exponent of the 10 from the other.

To explain further, when you have numbers written in exponential notation, they are in the form of a times 10 raised to the power of b, where a is the coefficient and b is the exponent. For example, if you have 4 x 10^3 divided by 2 x 10^2, you divide the coefficients (4 divided by 2), which gives you 2. Then, you subtract the exponents (3 minus 2), which gives you 1. So, the final answer is 2 x 10^1, or 20.