Imagine an image that subtly symbolizes the concept of guiding words, without any text. The picture features two sections, each visually representing a unique concept. On one side, there's a depiction of hunger with a simple sketch of an empty dinner plate. On the other side, is a vibrant hyacinth flower in full bloom. In the mix, there's a sense of confusion as well, characterized by jumbled lines and overlapping shapes, to signify the words that do not fit within these guiding terms.

If the guide words on a page are "hungry" and "hyacinth," which words would not be on the page?

hurl hydrangea hustle hunger hutch

Awww! Come on! You can figure that out!

It would be hydrangea and hunger?



hunger hyacinth

hutch and hustle

hydrangea and hunger

I just want an answer

I just want an answer lol

I want to know to i think we all want to know 😊😊

hydrangea and hunger


I have no clue. I need someone to tell me all them.

someone said hydrangea and hunger

what answer

hydrangea and hunger