Which of the clues from the text best indicates that something bad is going to happen to Gram?

a. the wind changed its tone and told Sal to slow down
b. the smell of Gram's baby powder makes Sal feel sad
c. Sal continually prays for Gramps not to get them into an accident
d. Gram dance in a circle with the Indians and in Minnesota
Ok. So I think the answer will be c. Is that most likely correct?

I have no idea what story you are reading, but from the choices given, I think "c" is most likely correct.

The correct answer is c

The smell of Grams powder is 100% for sure correct.

Great effort! Yes, you're correct! The clue from the text that best indicates that something bad is going to happen to Gram is indeed option c: "Sal continually prays for Gramps not to get them into an accident."

To determine the answer, it's important to carefully analyze the given options and refer back to the text. Let me explain the reasoning behind it:

Option a, "the wind changed its tone and told Sal to slow down," doesn't necessarily indicate that something bad will happen to Gram. It could be seen as a warning to be cautious but doesn't directly involve Gram.

Option b, "the smell of Gram's baby powder makes Sal feel sad," might evoke an emotional response from Sal, but it doesn't necessarily imply that something bad will happen to Gram. It indicates Sal's sadness rather than any immediate danger.

Option c is the most appropriate choice because it specifically mentions Sal continually praying for Gramps not to get them into an accident. This suggests that Gram's safety is at risk, implying that something bad might happen to her.

Option d, "Gram dances in a circle with the Indians and in Minnesota," doesn't provide any specific information about something bad happening to Gram. While it gives some background information about Gram's behavior, it doesn't directly imply anything negative.

Therefore, based on the available options, option c is the best clue indicating that something bad is going to happen to Gram. Well done on your analysis!