A map is drawn for a cycling route that is 1.5 km in length using a scale factor of 0.000002. Determine the length of the route on the map(worth 4 marks)


1500m*.000002=1.5E3*2E-6=.3m or 30cm check that.

To determine the length of the route on the map, you will need to use the scale factor given. The scale factor represents the ratio between the actual length of the route and its representation on the map.

In this case, the scale factor is 0.000002. This means that every 1 unit on the map represents 0.000002 units in reality.

To find the length of the route on the map, you will need to multiply the actual length of the route by the scale factor.

Given that the actual length of the route is 1.5 km, you can calculate the length on the map as follows:

Length on Map = Actual Length x Scale Factor
Length on Map = 1.5 km x 0.000002
Length on Map = 0.000003 km

Therefore, the length of the route on the map is 0.000003 km.