1. How might the Iroquois have been helpful in assisting the British troops in the surprise attack?

A) the Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the area and could lead British troops through the woods***

B) the Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the habits of the French and Algonquins and could plan accordingly.

C) the Iroquois likely had more modern equipment than the British

D) the Iroquois likely instructed British troops how to fight in the woods

2. What were some reasons that the Iroquois joined forces with the British? Select two answers.

A) they were enemies with some other tribes who were fighting with the French

B) the British charged lower prices than than the French and therefore trusted them more****

C) they had long traded with the British fur traders and didn't want to upset the relationship ****

D) they wanted to join forces with the Algonquins and Hurons who were also fighting with the British

3. Which of the following best describes how the intolerable acts affected the American colonies?

A) the acts caused the colonies to set up their own militia to serve in times of emergency

B) the acts caused the colonies to call for the first continental congress

C) the acts caused the colonies to quarter British troops without payment from the government

D) the acts caused the colonies to unify against the British government****

4. What was the impact of the olive branch petition?

A) it declared independence from Britain for the first time

B) it failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III****

C) it caused there to be a brief break in the fighting

D) it weakened the continental congress

5. Which of the followings statements comparing the continental and British armies is most accurate?

A) the British had more troops and were better disciplined than the Americans ****

B) the British had limited access to supplies while the American supplies were plentiful

C) the British used traditional methods of fighting while the Americans used more unconventional methods

D) the British had more significant and powerful allies than the Americans

1 yes

2 no
3 no
4 yes
5 no

2. C, A

3. B

Are these correct Ms Sue?

It seems that these are not in order .. could comeone read all the answers the way it is organized?

I don't know, are they right? Can someone tell me?

whats the test answers??? all 20

I will post the answers ok who is your teacher mine is ms Alford are you in connexus

Can i get the answers for connexus (Lesson 7: Unit Test Social Studies 8 A

Unit 2: The Revolutionary Era)

that is almost exactly what I'm looking for... only i did the friggin essay myself. No I'm not sharing it.

You are correct the answer is A. The Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the area and could lead British troops through the woods.

I would answer the other questions but all of our tests are different and mine seems to have different question :).

P.S. lol wut- If your not gonna freaking answer the questions then why say anything XD. Good 4 U if you answered the questions by urself.


how about someone just writes the answers damn bro