Which of the following equations are true. Select all that apply.

A. 7+(-7)= 14
B.-4+9= 5
C. 3-(-10)=-7
D. -2-6= -8

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Oh sorry I forgot to put my answers. I got a and b. But I'm not quite sure

Only one of your answers is correct.


To determine which of the following equations are true, we need to solve each equation and check if the statement holds. Let's go through each equation one by one:

A. 7 + (-7) = 14
To solve this equation, we can simply perform the addition operation. Adding 7 and -7 cancels each other out, resulting in zero. Therefore, the equation becomes 0 = 14, which is not true. So, equation A is not true.

B. -4 + 9 = 5
Again, we can solve this equation by performing the addition operation. -4 + 9 equals 5, so this equation holds true. Therefore, equation B is true.

C. 3 - (-10) = -7
In this equation, we need to simplify the expression inside the parentheses first. Minus (-10) is the same as adding 10, so the equation becomes 3 + 10 = -7. However, 3 + 10 equals 13, which is not equal to -7. Therefore, equation C is not true.

D. -2 - 6 = -8
To solve this equation, we can perform the subtraction operation. -2 - 6 equals -8, so this equation holds true. Therefore, equation D is true.

In conclusion, the equations that are true are B and D.