which statement best describes the period known as the old kingdom?

a) it was a time dynastic uncertainty.
b) it was a time of development.
c) it was a time of great geographic expansion
d) it was a time of disunity


To identify the correct statement that best describes the period known as the Old Kingdom, let's examine each option:

a) The statement "it was a time of dynastic uncertainty" suggests that the Old Kingdom was characterized by a lack of stability in ruling families. However, this is not an accurate description of the Old Kingdom since it was known for its strong central government and relatively stable dynasties.

b) The statement "it was a time of development" is a general statement that could apply to any period. While development may have occurred during the Old Kingdom, it does not provide a specific characteristic that distinguishes it from other periods.

c) The statement "it was a time of great geographic expansion" implies that the Old Kingdom witnessed significant territorial expansion. However, during this period, Egypt's borders remained relatively stable, and there was no notable geographic expansion.

d) The statement "it was a time of disunity" suggests that the Old Kingdom was marked by division and lack of unity. This statement is incorrect because the Old Kingdom was known for its centralized authority and political stability, where the pharaohs reigned supreme over a unified Egypt.

Considering the explanations above, the correct answer is b) it was a time of development. However, it is important to note that this option is not particularly distinctive to the Old Kingdom, as development can be seen in various historical periods.